Sub themes: Papers and Abstracts are hereby invited from authors across on the Theme of the Conference. Authors are free to approach the Theme from any perspective, however, the following sub themes are provided as guide.

1. ICT and entrepreneurship

  1. Digital Technology and economic recovery.
  2. Financial intelligence, Independence and crypto currency dynamics.
  3. Entrepreneurship dynamics in foreign exchange trading

2. Business Management, Administration and entrepreneurship

  1. Post COViD-19 Survival Alternatives: Public-Private menu
  2. Sustainable Family-owned Businesses
  3. Ethical issues in contemporary business Practices
  4. The Work-life balance induced paradigm shift.

3. Accounting, Finance and entrepreneurship

  1. Emerging Trends in Global Accounting & Finance
  2. Global Financial Crises and Exchange rates regime

4. Economics and entrepreneurship
i. MSMEs, Government Policies and Economic Development
ii. Innovation and economic recovery
iii. Entrepreneurial practices and Economic Reconstruction
iv. Sustainable Micro, Small and Medium Scaled Enterprises
v. Educational Resourcefulness and Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery.
vi. Security, economic environment, and economic stability.
vii. Leadership, Followership and Economic Development

5. Marketing, tourism and entrepreneurship
i. Emerging Markets, Entrepreneurship, and economic development.
ii. Digital technologies, branding and entrepreneurship.
iii. Sport Marketing and Sportspreneurship.
iv. Entertainment industry and National Reconstruction
v. Hospitality, Tourism and Reconstruction Options
vi. Destination resilience in Post COVID-19

6. Agriculture, Sustainable Development and entrepreneurship
i. Agrobusiness, Entrepreneurship and Economic development
ii. Green Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
iii. Distributable Sustainability and Economic Development
iv. Emerging Trends in Insurance concerns of Sustainable Entrepreneurial Practices

7. Engineering, Technology and entrepreneurship
i. Innovative technology & green energy
ii. Current Trends in Biomedical Technology

8. The Humanities, Entrepreneurship and economic transformation

i. Historical, religious dimensions of entrepreneurship and national economic transformation

ii. Governance models, leadership, entrepreneurship and economic transformation

iii. Ethnicity, religion, subnationalism, entrepreneurship and economic transformation

iv. (in)security, corruption entrepreneurship and economic transformation