Mobile Technologies, Smart Systems & ICT4D

The past decade has witnessed increasing use of mobile technologies and smart applications. With the expected diffusion of 5G, business reports indicate that these technologies will usher in a new era that radically changes consumers’ purchase patterns and renders many extant business practices obsolete.  Accordingly, the objective of the Mobile Technologies, Smart Systems & ICT4D Working Group is to conduct research relating to mobile technologies, smart systems, ICT4D, educational technologies, learner analytics, TVET, etc. with a view to helping businesses, educational institutions, policy makers and individuals understand the uses of these tools and their impact on the achievement of organizational goals.

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Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence & Big Data

Machine learning is reshaping our world. Machine learning tools are greatly impacting medical science, engineering, transportation, banking and firm-customer relationships, to name a few. In a few years to come, several business practices will be swept aside while new ones will emerge that dynamically meet the challenges of contemporary times. Therefore, the role of the machine learning, artificial intelligence and big data working group is to proffer solutions to businesses, governments and international organisations by harnessing data to build computer programmes and algorithms that meet the challenges faced by these organisations. The members of this group are experts in complex mathematical modelling, artificial neural network, artificial intelligence and deep learning.

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Public Health and Medicine

The Public Health Working Group brings together researchers from a variety of fields including public health, epidemiology, biomedicine, vaccine development, working together collaboratively to address a variety of topics, such as: communicable diseases, reproductive health, mental health, nutrition, obesity, smoking, alcohol, and prevention of chronic illness etc.  Researchers in this group work together to explore ways to encourage better health decision and environment by examining when and the way people use health care as part of their daily living, people's health risk behaviours and the social and environmental factors that affect their health.

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Digital Business, Management, Circular Economy and Agricultural value chain

The Digital Business, Management and Circular Economy Working Group foster and facilitate research in the area of and management that helps solve business problems. Business strategies and goals drives every organization's success in business, growth and profit occurs when the strategies are properly implemented. The goal of the working group is to conduct quality research that would help businesses by contributing towards new strategic directions and ideas, performing evaluation of the current processes and providing better ideas to make the current processes efficient in forecasting and predicting the future trend of the business. Our research activities cover a broad range of topics such as strategic management, strategic human resource management, entrepreneurship, tourism, consumer behavior, social media, information systems adoption in business, commercialization, the lean startup methodology, business internationalization, advertising, digital marketing, Artificial intelligence, services brands, higher education marketing, circular economy, sustainability, and agricultural value chain.

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Earth and Environmental Sciences

The Earth and Environmental Sciences is a forum for all scholars involved in earth and environmental-related scholarly activities such as soil science, soil pollution control, microbial ecology, peat science and drainage, coastal dynamics, geo-informatics, environmental management, remote sensing, hydrodynamics, etc. The work of this group is very critical to ameliorate the harsh realities of climate change.

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Humanities and Social Sciences

Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences Working Group covers domains such as History, Philosophy, Languages, Psychology, Law, Education and related disciplines. Processing and documenting the human experience is the cornerstone of peaceful co-existence. The humanities and social sciences have contributed immensely to modern civilisation through the preservation of culture, institutions and heritages.  To an outsider, Africa is a complex and multicultural enclave. However, these complexities are what make the people of Africa unique. The mandate of the Humanities and Social Sciences Working group is that through research,  to challenge the old and negative stereotype Africa has been known for by outsiders, and provide a solid narrative that reflects the true identity of Africa and its culture.

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Engineering and Space Science

Engineering is the cornerstone of modern development. The contributions of engineers have provided humanity with decent and efficient transportation, comfortable living and improved quality of life.  The Engineering and Space Science Working Group covers a broad range of sub-themes such as mechanical/rotating machinery engineering, electrical engineering, space physics, industrial management, etc.

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